All about Tenofovir Alafenamide

tenofovir alafenamide

Showing promising results in the treatment of chronic Hepatitis B and HIV, Tenofovir 25mg is a API, widely available in the market in various brands such as Hepbest 25 mg, Tafnat, Tenvir AF, EmTaf B, Tenfoplus, Durataf. It is suitable to prescribe for both adults and children who are 2 years old or above and weigh at least 10KGS. It can be given alone or in combination with other drugs for better results. 

How is Tenofovir taken – Usage and Dosage

For adults, the recommended dosage is Tenofovir Alafenamide 25mg per day. It is better to take medicine with food. However, this is strictly in case of treating chronic Hepatitis B virus that has also been compensated with liver disease. For treating only HBV, Tenofovir DF is used; dosage- 300mg per day. The optimum duration for this medication therapy is unknown; therefore, the patient must continue taking Tenofovir tablets until there are signs of improvement, or some intolerable side effects appear.

The Tenofovir 25 mg for children usually comes in the form of an oral powder that can be mixed with soft food such as applesauce or yogurt for consumption. It has also been advised to take medicine at the same time each day. The doses may be modified according to the changing weight of the child. That is why frequent medical examinations are conducted to keep a close watch on the progress of treatments and adjust the requirements accordingly. 

How does the Tenofovir Alafenamide function?

Being a noncytopathic virus, HBV cannot cause direct destruction to the liver. Instead, the immune system attacks it and leads to collateral damage within the body in the form of inflammation and liver damage. The work of Tenofovir Alafenamide 25 mg is to reduce the amount of the virus from the blood and help the immune system respond at the same time. For safe and long-term treatment of Hepatitis B, Tenofovir Alafenamide tablets 25mg have been quite effective. However, it does not guarantee a complete cure. 

Precautionary Measures 

  1. The patient is strictly advised not to drink alcohol because it will risk the chances of liver damage. 
  2. If you miss a dose, do not double it. Instead, wait for the next dose and maintain regularity. Under any circumstances, do not double it. 
  3. Medical tests will be conducted prior to starting this drug to determine your health condition and whether the body is suitable for tolerating the side effects of this medicine. It is also essential to check if you have an HIV infection. The test shall also determine whether you are allergic to any constituents of the medicine.
  4. Having unprotected sex, sharing toothbrushes or razors are also prohibited because it may also trigger the infection. 
  5. You should not take Tenofovir with Hepsera or with other medicines that contain Tenofovir such as Odefsey, Stribild, Complera, Atripla, and so on. 
  6. Inform your doctor if you have low bone mineral density. 
  7. Give all the details of medical history to your physician before opting for this treatment. 
  8. It is also not at all recommended to breastfeed while taking Tenofovir. 

Tenofovir Side Effects 

  • Flu-like symptoms- sore throat, fever
  • Unusual bruising and bleeding 
  • Loss of appetite 
  • Weight loss
  • Signs of a new infection such as night sweats, diarrhea, cold sores
  • Enlarged thyroid (swelling in the neck and throat region)
  • Dizziness 
  • Headache 
  • Nausea and vomiting 

Mild symptoms of lactic acidosis are common during this treatment, but if they worsen over time, contact your physician immediately. The common signs of it turning fatal are irregular heart rate, breathing trouble, and unusual muscle pain. 

Tenofovir used for HIV is available in the name of Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate. It helps block the HIV enzyme within the body, which prevents the virus from multiplying. The typical dose is 300mg orally each day. For treating HIV-1 infection, the drug is used in combination with other antiretroviral agents. It needs to be continued until the body responds to treatment. 


Keep this medicine at safe room temperature and away from the reach of children. Frequent medical tests will be conducted to check the condition of your liver and analyze the progress of the treatment. Once the drug is stopped, there are chances of the virus becoming active again. Contact your doctor in case of such symptoms. Tenofovir price is quite high, approximately more than $8000 (depending on dosage). It is advised to have medical insurance papers that can help to cover the cost of treatment. 


What is the brand name of Tenofovir Alafenamide? 

Vemlidy is the brand name of Tenofovir Alafenamide. 

Who should not take tenofovir alafenamide? 

Do not take tenofovir alafenamide in case you are allergic to this medication or any of other existing ingredients. 

How should Tenofovir Alafenamide be taken?

Tenofovir Alafenamide should be taken in the dose as well as duration instructed by your healthcare practitioner. This medication is best effective when taken through meals or just afterwards. Though, taking this drug without food does not reduce its effectiveness. In case you have any issues, consult your healthcare team.

For how long do I need to take Tenofovir Alafenamide for HBV infection?

The treatment duration will depend on the severity of HBV infection. You will be prescribed for periodic blood tests in order to keep a check on the viral load as well as the number of T-cells. Your healthcare provider will then determine the time period of the drug accordingly. In certain cases, treatment is needed for the lifelong.

In case I puked after taking Tenofovir, what should I do?

In case puking occurs within 1-hour of taking this medication then you need to take another tablet. Although, in case you pukes following more than 1-hour of taking this medication, then you do not need to take another tablet. Consult your healthcare team in case you have puking every time when you take Tenofovir or if the puking persists for a longer period of time.

Is it safe to breastfeed during treatment with Tenofovir for chronic HBV infection?

No, breastfeeding during treatment with Tenofovir is unsafe. It is recommended to avoid breastfeeding since a little amount of this medication may pass into the breast milk. Also, there is a probability of your baby getting infected of HIV/HBV through breastfeeding.

Disclaimer: The afore-mentioned content is solely to inform the audience. We don’t claim the effectiveness of the medicine.


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